Can't wait to hear your feedback
Ok then...
I started off with the standard set up on the ps-420 in UK..15" .050 .325 semi.
I then went onto try 14" 3/8 lp .050 with VXL on a (in disguise Double Guard 91) bar and then finished with a Sugi 14" lp .050 3/8 stihl full chisel set up.
Overall the saving on weight from the 15'" .325 down to the 14" 3/8 lp Sugi was only 4 0z bringing the saw in at 12lb 6oz with a drop of oil in the tank.
The cutting performance on both the 3/8 set ups was just to close for me to call as this was not done against a clock . I think the Sugi will outlast the cheeper Oregon (no shock there as its cheeper ! ) and i like the fuller tip on the Sugi (it uses 53 dl not the standard 52 dl) rather than the low kick back one on the Oregon.
The low pro 6 pin sprocket and less tooth count "in a given distance" will give it a slightly lower gearing so you do feel able to lean on the saw in bigger wood if you want.
I can not say the cut width was very different between any of them ..there are all .050 so any changes would need to be in cutter width. Noodling .. .325 .."possibly" had the edge but so hard be sure.
Fastest cut ......The .325 for me had the slight edge due to its slight higher gearing and more teeth in contact, even being semi chisel .
My feeling is there is little in it on..." this "...cutting test to say one is better over another on speed alone.
This wasn't really what i was fixed on to be honest ...A bit lighter and shorter bar set up is one reason i thought i would try out LP systems , the other is having a 15" bar and .325 .050 Sugi set up would cause conflict !!
Got that on the 5105 and having the same on the 420 ...well you get the picture
Ps-420 on the 3/8 lp .050 sugi 14" will do me very well for now on the small wood/ hedge and pruning work that is all about having the saw in the hand ..a lot!