Well-Known OPE Member

It’s well worth the wait. If I remember right I waited somewhere around 4 month. I’m like you. As soon as I order something I want it then and there. I wanted to order a ported 462 this year but I broke my ported 201 and had to buy a stock replacement to use while Randy was fixing mine. A 462 is definitely on my list though. I have a stock one now it’s great.Stihl waiting for my 500i from Randy. If that comes out as well as I hope, ill probably just have him do a 201 for me as well. I just know the turn around time is kind of lengthy (I really don't know that, this is the first ported saw I've ordered online) . I probably feel that way cause I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning. I mostly wanted to see alternative options if maybe there was just a totally stand out 201 builder or something like that. But I like your taste @RJH.13