High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by Locust Cutter

  1. Locust Cutter

    What is your preference for a concealed carry weapon?

    I like the idea of the .327, the power and the capacity vs a .38spl... But, you have to be REAL careful reloading them. Between the chamber pressure and smaller case capacity, a minor variation in powder produces a lot more noticeable reaction, and ES, than the same % variance in a 38spl or .357...
  2. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    It blows (so to speak)...
  3. Locust Cutter

    Clutch-covers' ability to quickly, and *properly*, deflect chips (MS660 "XL"'s, etc)

    Pure speculation for the pinch is to avoid inertial wrapping up/back around the sprocket, especially with noodles, but I could be wrong.
  4. Locust Cutter

    The SCARR Husqvarna 592XP build thread.

    I may have to squeeze the trigger on of of these. I love the fell of a hot 395xp, similarly to how I like my well-warmed 262xp. But, I honestly use the 562xp a lot more for general cutting as it's a lot smoother, and handles more naturally to me. The 262 handles faster, but the 562 fits better...
  5. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Morning all! Getting ready to head to work. I'm going to have to take the XS550 in, as I'm either losing a seal in the carb, or my impulse line may be going out. Runs like a scalded cat, but won't idle for more than about 5-10 seconds after it's up to temp. Also had a chimney sweep out, as I...
  6. Locust Cutter

    Dexter Day, RIP

    That's terrible. Was He at Matt's a few years back? I think I met him somewhere, but I'm struggling where.
  7. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Good evening All! been pretty crazy of late, but only 2.33 years to the first retirement, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm getting just old enough to not hold my tongue... Might be picking up a few Stihls off of a buddy, and thinking about sending the 562 down the road towards a 585 or 592...
  8. Locust Cutter

    How Many Saws in Your 3 Saw Plan???

    Echo 2511T MS201T (exhaust/timing/carb) MS261 (muffler modded, timing advanced, and re-tuned) 346XP OE/NE hybrid ported 550XP ported 262XP ported 562XP (muffler modded) MS660 ported 2100xp (Still figuring it out) (a 592XP, MS462, original 044, and 064 will be coming at some point) A few others...
  9. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Afternoon all! It's more windy than a stump speech outside! This is about ridiculous. I have to go get a bale for the cattle, and then we're taking the kids to some Halloween themed thing at Frontier City. Won't have to worry about harvest or drilling for a bit!
  10. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Morning all! Getting ready to go plant wheat for the neighbors on a day off from work before the rains come in. Tim those yields aren't bad. The full season beans around here went in after the rains, and then it dried up so many of them are only making 30-40/acre. The double crop beans are...
  11. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    I came awful close. But, I like the Super Duty platform better overall, and the seats fit me a lot better, the steering feels better to me as well. The RAM has made a lot of improvements, but still not quite. Plus, there's a dealer chain in OK still offering lifetime engine warranty and oil...
  12. Locust Cutter

    592XP info and a surprise

    I'm truly curious to see how they feel in hand, and compare to both the 390xp and 395xp in both running and handling characteristics. I'm not scared of the primer/purge bulb, but I'm not a production guy either, just a 10-20 cord/year weekend hack. But especially cutting Hedge, once I set the...
  13. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Your area in MO wouldn't break my heart either. At least there's timber!! But, Shalie and I could have done far worse.
  14. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Any quail or pheasants up your way lately Tim?
  15. Locust Cutter

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Ouch! That's no fun JimBear! On a happier note, I did score a decent shape 2100 Husky awhile back. I'm going to find a 28-32" .404 bar for it as a stumping and general "Big" stick saw, and general play toy. Haven't decided whether I'm keeping the ported 660 or if it's going to go down the road...