High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

Search results

  1. S

    Options for snapped screw?

    Geniuses of OPE, what if anything can be done for a screw that is broken off in the exterior the cylinder? I'm trying to rehab a '93 Husqvarna 45 and I found out why the screw that attaches an AV spring in between the handle/tank and the cylinder is missing... because most of it is inside the...
  2. S

    Stihl size bars on Husky's

    Okay I don't know if this is the correct Sub forum for this question so please be merciful if I am causing a faus paux. Also know that I have used the search function on the subject and read 5 pages back. Here is what I wanted to do. I have a Husky 374 that I want a 24 in bar for. I was...
  3. S

    Another new OPEforum fan...

    Hello Gentlemen of OPE, I just wanted to introduce myself and greet all of the members here. I have been reading your site (a stellar resource without question) for a while now, and only today signed up. Before anyone mentions it, "chissel" isn't a mis-spelling, just a nick name from a late...