That is gayer than cum on a mustache
or a barrel of dicks!
You're the only one I know that could fall in a barrel of titties and come out with a dick in your mouth
aaargh my clever wordsmithing has no retort for your treacherous barb at my expense , but I vow that someday you will rue this verbal jest ( where is the damn shaking fist emoji?)ohh boy dave that sound nice if there is a picnic in your mouth then Im coming and I am sure others will want to come too.
I don't care who's mad about what, but that just made me laugh.You're the only one I know that could fall in a barrel of titties and come out with a dick in your mouth
Pics ????? Of the alligatorI once had a singing stripper-gram delivered to my high school teacher who was immediately bitten by an alligator, all in good fun of course, he kept the snapshots on his bulletin board for years.
What is my number?
It's because that's how many fingers you have.I'm #1
That's what I always tell myself
Randy needs to focus on a waffle thread, not this thread.
stripper-gram delivered to my high school teacher who was immediately bitten by an alligator,
Pics ????? Of the alligator
The builder posted his side of the story so everyone knows who it is.Is this saw from someone up by me? Pretty sure I know the owner (and builder).