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Recent content by 460cixy

  1. 460cixy

    Buckin gets a ported 288..

    @CR888 do we need to teach these blokes proper use of the English language?
  2. 460cixy

    Buckin gets a ported 288..

    yup still alive don’t spend much time on forums these days stumbled across this looking for info on a 576 just want to say bullshi!t cucking ray is a total flog
  3. 460cixy

    Buckin gets a ported 288..

    Hey friends interesting thread. His clearly the real deal I mean just one look at his stance when using the saw says his a consummate professional owner operator
  4. 460cixy

    Saw video thread

    Big billets 9 post from memory I was down the other end with a short bloke and a tall bloke and the missus getting the *s-words with me saying fuk I'm dry how about a beer
  5. 460cixy

    Saw video thread

    I never raced this year had zero time to get gear together being the main thing work has been too busy with all our staff either leaving or dieing lately Only took one hot saw up to get a second/third opinion on. Plenty of green horns raced one bloke in particular Craig from Cooma complete...
  6. 460cixy

    Saw video thread

    The rips were great and some seriously close racing all weekend the ankle deep mud was not going to slow anyone down and no one really complained about the weather as *s-word as it was it sure is a mans sport no doubt about it
  7. 460cixy

    Saw video thread

    Bloody good weekend but the Maitland wonder was not there to show us how it's done
  8. 460cixy

    Saw video thread

    Yeah interesting description I was at the titles in Taree all this weekend just up the road from you. Where were you?
  9. 460cixy

    Let's get to know each other!

    Bobs not here but we have the next best thing
  10. 460cixy


    I'm keen on following this
  11. 460cixy

    Any carb gurus? Walbro HD

    When I get a rush of blood ile do some more drilling I have another saw running nitro and it was not half as hard to set up but needs a lot less fuel too
  12. 460cixy

    Any carb gurus? Walbro HD

    Will be drilling larger when I get a chance to get it apart again also think it may be sucking air between the carb and intake boot cheap China *s-word
  13. 460cixy

    Any carb gurus? Walbro HD

    It's still all over the place but it's running ok I guess getting a good idle with meth is half the battle found an air leak this morning fixed that and it improved as expected but not great I think the pump side of it is struggling to keep up under wot too. Do you know if there is a rubber pump...
  14. 460cixy

    Any carb gurus? Walbro HD

    Ok so I modded a carb just as terry suggested here's some pics to get the idea you can clearly see the hole I drilled to feed the idle circuit and the original hole before and after blocking also other parts of the idle and intermediate orifices as I'm running an alternative fuel for this saw...
  15. 460cixy

    Husqvarna 2100 thread

    No but rob made a mil of sorts seems to work