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Tried any social media?

  • Facebook

    Votes: 4 100.0%
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  • OPE Forum

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FartKnockerForum System Admin
Yearly GoldMember
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2:12 AM
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Dec 1, 2015
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Ormond Beach, Florida
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What biz are you in?
Have you experienced the power of networking with others to generate leads/business? (Meet 'n' Greets, Chamber of Commerce events, etc. )
What about word of mouth advertising? Can ANYTHING beat that?

Social media, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn are Word of Mouth Advertising & Networking on Steroids. Pinterest, Instagram, Periscope, and others can help certain types of businesses too. Pick two to get started and begin networking with others and publishing high value content to generate good will. It'll snowball into the best word of mouth advertising you can imagine.

Yes, when done right, and consistently, it'll work for your OPE related business.

Tried any?


Active OPE Member
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3:12 AM
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Dec 24, 2015
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Right here
Finished high school as CPUs were just coming into light as a tool, never imagined how it is now. Customers FB you instead of calling or ever texting! Lol

Bryant John

New OPE Member
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Dec 2, 2016
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Logan, UT 84321
Social media and the internet in general is one of the best ways to grow your business now days. I work with a lot of older contractors who lived by word of mouth only and this is a topic that comes up a lot. Most of the old timers (no offense to anyone!) don't want to bother with the internet or social marketing. I always like to know how others stay in business so I ask them a few questions:
  1. How do you get business now?
  2. what is the main age demographic of your customer base?
  3. Do you get a lot of new customers?
  4. Do you get a lot of the younger crowd? age 18-30?
the responses are generally the same. They live off word of mouth they have already built up a large customer base that keeps coming back and if they do get younger people in it is not as often and is word of mouth referral.

Well this is great for them but for everyone that is just getting their business started You either need to embrace the times or get left behind and the times they are a changing! They change fast too. I have a hard time keeping up with all the social media accounts that are coming out, truthfully I don't even want too... I facebook because that is a given but good luck getting me to snap chats or tweeter or whatever haha.

The one thing I did do though that has been great for my business was to get my business listed on google. Its free and I get quite a few customers coming through from that one source alone. let's face it kids nowadays google everything. If you want to tap into the younger age group which lets face it we all need more of then you need to reach them where they are. A few tips to do this are
  1. Have a website.
  2. Have good relevant content on that website If you want an example of what your content should look like Tree Trimming.
  3. list your business on search engines most of the time its FREE!
  4. Make sure in each of these places they can get ahold of you easily (we all know how impatient these younger generations are...)
  5. Embrace change!
anyhoo I hope this helps some of you. If you have questions I would be happy to help you the knowledge I have but remember I cant help you with the tweetering thing :D

Bryant John
Tree Service Logan UT


Active OPE Member
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May 18, 2021
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In this day and age, you need a good website and a management platform such as ArboStar before social media. All of them are needed to grow your business
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Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
3:12 AM
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Feb 19, 2021
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In this day and age, you need social media to grow you business.
I get work coming in consistently. Only advertising I have are business cards.
Good referrals are key. If ya don't have good work ethics and perform shoddy work, advertisement won't do a bit of good.