The smell reminds me, more than anything, like what your hands amell like after eating boiled crawfish. Strange description i know but nonetheless. Also, i fairly recently split two large hickory trees but they didnt smell like this and they were more splittable with the fiskars and maul
The smell reminds me, more than anything, like what your hands amell like after eating boiled crawfish. Strange description i know but nonetheless. Also, i fairly recently split two large hickory trees but they didnt smell like this and they were more splittable with the fiskars and maul
As soon as I saw the bark and wedge sticking out the top it screamed Elm to me!
One year, back when I used to split by hand, and bought logs to heat with, they delivered a bunch of Elm logs to me.
After cutting them to length, I could not split them, so I rented a hydraulic splitter, and it would not split them! (back then the splitters were triangular heads w/o the cutter like they have today). That was the only year I heated by wood I could not split it all by hand.
American red elm or Siberian elm.
Chinese elm,aka piss elm has darker bark w/deeper groove s ,yellower SAP wood, and it does smell like stale pee.
I like red elm, great fire wood.
Piss elm I won't even start a saw to cut it.
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