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Wicked Worksaws - Wicked Work Saws - Terry Landrum - WWS


Chief Cat Herder
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Yearly GoldMember
Local time
8:09 PM
User ID
Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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"Special Buns"
Local time
8:09 PM
User ID
Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
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The latest.....and possibly the worst.

So.....I heard from the Amish fellow I posted about earlier. He was checking on a saw he'd bought from me.

In our conversation I asked if he ever managed to get anything at all from Terry. He said Capital One told him he'd waited too long to file the claim. But......they were able to give him a new phone number for Terry. He called.....and Terry answered. Terry gave him a hard luck story that evidently was very convincing. He told him that he was going to send him that 390XP, and to make things right, if he paid for two more saws, he'd send him three. Jonathan was skeptical, but agreed to pay for those saw after he got a tracking number for the first one. In a few hours he got that tracking number. So.....he paid for two more saws. Well.....that tracking number was never picked up.....never made it into the mail stream. After a few days he called Capital One again. This time he got his money back. What makes this so bad to me? Attempting to rip this fellow off took some planning.......

This is just disgusting. Out right fraud and thievery. With everything that has happened how does he still have the ability to process credit cards? At this point his bank is complicit and should be under investigation as well.

Hopefully those Capital One boys get after it like they do when someone doesn't pay their bill on time.