I had to wait for the version with a manual safety to comply with Massachusetts stupidity but they finally came in a month or so ago. I had a deposit down in case of limited supply, though it wouldn’t have mattered because Sig came thru with a ton of them. The shop where I got mine had 400 come in, about half were already spoken for.
The safety thing pissed some people off, likely mostly just on principle but I don’t mind it one way or the other.
Sig did a very clean implementation that doesn’t compromise the inner workings of the gun at all and if they went without the safety it would’ve ended up with a ten lb trigger to be compliant.
For me it has mostly lived up to the hype, comfortable, easy to shoot, accurate and so far reliable with various ammo.
My one complaint was the trigger, reviews were good but I found all the ones I tried notchy with a lot of sear creep.
On the up side it did break at around 5 1/2lbs and the reset was pretty good.
(As a disclaimer I’m a bit of a target snob when it comes to triggers, for handgun stuff I shoot mostly bullseye and that’s typically single action with very clean breaking 1 1/2lbs for rim fire and 3 1/2 for .45.
So my perspective there may be a little skewed...)
I didn’t even want to bother shooting it the way it came and had the entire gun apart twenty minutes after I got it home.
Wasn’t quite the easiest trigger I’ve done, not so much the sear but to get it smooth thru all the interlock type stuff was a chore.
I’m quite happy with it now.
Of course while I had the bug and was waiting for the 365, I ended up running into a few deals I couldn’t refuse, one of which was an m&p shield in .45.
Didn’t really like the trigger on that either but it was a cakewalk to get right.
Basically just cleaned up/shortened up the sear and added an adjustable trigger stop to improve the reset.
Fits my hand well, shoots well, for a sort of cheapy gun, I really like it.