12 steps for saw addiction?
Step 1. Buy saws
Step 2. Fuel saws
Step 3. Drop dead standing trees, blow downs, or the like.
Step 4. Buck trees into firewood.
Step 5. Sharpen saws.
Step 6. Complain to wife about the need for even bigger saws to cut even bigger trees.
Step 7. Buy more saws and repeat 1 through 5.
Step 8. Complain to wife about the need for smaller saws for tree trimming.
Step 9. Drink Scotch since the Stihl dealer isn't open on Sundays, though you think they'd want to make an exception to sell you a chainsaw or three.
Step 10. Buy more chainsaws.
Step 11. Build a shed/garage/shop building to "organize" <that's a French word for: hide from your wife> the saws.
Step 12. Fill the extra space in your new building with things like chainsaw dealer memorabilia, barshop bar grinders, silvey swing arm chain grinders, a medium sized turret lathe with fixtures to cut jugs, and most importantly a small fridge for beer (or a kegarator).
I'm new to this forum but I think I understand how the "disease" progresses.