I ran your saw with that setup right here in my driveway Gary. 20" 3/8 Tsumara light bar with half skip square chain. I didn't bury the bar, but we were cutting white oak and that saw would easily pull that setup bucking hardwood all day long. Obviously it's not ported 70cc fast, but for as much as they weigh, the 261 really hauls the mail.
Nick, with the lineup you have, I think a ported 261 would get a lot of use. Especially with a 20" light bar like I ran on Gary's if you like extra reach. Not quite the reach of your 2260 with a 24", and if you get into big wood, you'll find yourself reaching for the 044 sooner, but the whole time you're using the 261, you'll appreciate the weight savings. I know I do when I'm in smaller stuff.