From what I have know from personal friends husky isn't any better, might be worse in our area. I know one guy that bought a 350 to cut firewood the exhaust got loose at 3 months. The dealer said yep it happens so he put in new gasket and fixed the exhaust. Then at about 9-10 months old it blew up, they told him wrong oil. He was using oil he bought from them. Another guy lost the clutch side crankshaft end. Snapped flush with case, don't remember exact model but was an xp series. Same dealer said it was due to him not greasing the drum needle bearing. I told him no way in heck that the bearing got hot enough to make the crank change hardness and snap. He said didn't think it would because bearing still turns. Then the last guy I know has a tree service, his kid bought a 540t to try out it ran for like 6 weeks then started to give issues. He brings saw to dealer they say we scoped the bore it's blown up but we'll take for parts if you want to leave it. They bring it to me and I honestly have no idea about fixing and auto tune saw at this time"don't know everything on them but not as complicated as I thought". Pulled plug checked spark and compression, nice blue spark and 160 lbs on my tester. Find out steps to reset auto tune and after doing that seems to run pretty well.