I wouldn't. Around here, I'd have an easier time selling an 025 than an 041. Not many people are looking to buy old heavy saws. If you like the 041, then sure, but I'm not fond of them, so I wouldn't.
Seriously thinking about it.an old friend of mine is needing a smaller saw.the 025 is the biggest small saw i have to trade on right now.what 041's i've worked on i have liked but they were the 72cc supers.apparently this ones the 61cc version.
Good saw no doubt. I had 3 one older one new and a super. Cut for a few years about 10 cords a year. The ignitions are known to go bad. I have a few electric set ups left if needed.
Good saw no doubt. I had 3 one older one new and a super. Cut for a few years about 10 cords a year. The ignitions are known to go bad. I have a few electric set ups left if needed.
well the 041 runs and cuts like new.just had one problem.while walking to the wood pile i touched the case to my leg and it knocked the dog *s-word out of me.took the cover off to check for bare spots or cracks in the lead wire but cant spot any????
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