Congrats Man! Don't worry about work - it'l work itself out. The day after my Daughter was born we found out that my F.I.L. was in the hospital across town getting ready to have 2 brain tumors removed. In the 6 months between that day and the day he died, I had to take off work to help plant wheat for Him, deal w/my Wife's family turning on each other and specifically my Wife and her siblings due to lies her "step" mother told to make the family squabble while she hired a lawyer to legally steal the whole damn estate, my daughter coming down with mirsa, a recurrence of Mono on my part, a flooded basement and finding out that I got my Wife pregnant again (with a boy) and 2 discs slipped in my back. I damn near got fired for the time I missed (and I'm full-time Air National Guard).
That 6 months was amazing and hellish simultaneously. BUT, I cried like a baby when my Daughter was born after She heard my voice and smiled at me while holding my finger... I lost it. They're 7 and 6 now and She's a Daddy's girl who wants her own dirt bike and jacked up truck. My Son is his Momma's boy but likes to hang out with me and they take turns doting on my Wife and I respectively. I would give up breathing before I'd give them up. They and their Mother are what makes the hell of work worthwhile.