That's cool!
My kids want a goat. I'm relatively certain that mum would not allow one in the house...
Those look like @hseII titties
I'm doing good, how are you Dallas?evening mike hows you
That's exactly what I'm gonna do my friend. Gonna giver her til' 8pm to chit or get off the pot...she's got 45 mins. I was supposed to go a county south of where I'm at tomorrow and Sun and help a buddy of mine frame up and shed roof, deck/felt and shingle the entire back side of his little horse barn...about a 40 foot run. He got the flu bug earlier in the week, called me today at work asking if I was coming down this wknd?...this fool told me he's running a 102 deg fever today with that chit. My response, not only no but hell no. I ain't going down there and dragging that chit back up here after the wknd and get laid up myself for a week/10 days. Thanks, but no thanks...the shed roof can well if she doesnt want to show call the next one
Did the truck man spread it pretty good for ya so you didn't have to break your back with it?Little tired. I shoveled and spread some gravel by rake to get right up to the house and walk.
Best he could. I have power and cable across where he was spreading. Plus I went within 6" of the house so I had to fill that last foot or so. I do have one small pile left that I have to spread.Did the truck man spread it pretty good for ya so you didn't have to break your back with it?
I hear ya. A garden rake tines down then tines up can can sure help move it around tight spots and kinda level it into places around close stuff.Best he could. I have power and cable across where he was spreading. Plus I went within 6" of the house so I had to fill that last foot or so. I do have one small pile left that I have to spread.
Best he could. I have power and cable across where he was spreading. Plus I went within 6" of the house so I had to fill that last foot or so. I do have one small pile left that I have to spread.
evening heath hows you
Those aren't my play toys.