I'm fuggin' pissed now!! Bought my college daughter a $1000+ HP Envy 17.3" touchscreen laptop with Windows 10, 1TB hard-drive, 16GB Ram, backlit keyboard, etc, etc. A damn nice laptop that would get her through the next few yrs of college. Bought it Feb 10th of last year, here we are 23 days after the 1yr HP mfg'rs warranty, she turns it on last night to do some Chemistry and Anatomy class work, the SOB gives her the dreaded 'blue screen, NTSF File System, FAT File System, Error 303 code...Hard Drive Failure Short Time. Then runs a boot up F2 diagnostic on it and gets Error 305 code...Hard Drive Long Time Failure. The friggin' hard-drive is toast after not even 13 months. Then I had to deal with those bastards on the other side of the planet who I can't tell if the SOB's are calling me names, or trying to talk some Hindu BS...I can't understand their asses for nothing on a phone. Finally got someone on the phone I could at least make out a few syllables and try to come up with a word or two. Nonetheless, after raising pure hell for two hours getting flipped to every swinging dick in the circle jerk, they're sending me a new replacement 1TB hard-drive and external (CD) software/system restore CD. They're tapping in now remotely to her laptop where she's at at school to recover her personal pics, her files, data, schoolwork, etc. How they can do that I don't know but they said they could recover her stuff remotely, then after I swap the hard drive and reinstall the software, programs, application, etc from the external CD, they can tap in again, and send her stuff back to the laptop...I guess they can store it in some Cloud type deal, again I don't know. They remotely tap into our DoD computers on base if we have any IT concerns or problems to fix things...but I sure never knew mfg'rs out there in the laptop world could do such. I like the idea of how that could be used to resolve and diagnose problems, but I don't like it from a security and privacy concern, for damn sure.
I'm just ill as hell this high dollar laptop has a hard-drive failure 23 days after the 12-month warranty expired. Needless to say, my blood pressure is high and I'm bringing this rant to a close.
If you feel I wasted three min's of your life reading this crap, then one of two things...option 1...swing by and we'll drink a cold one, or option 2...GFY! Just like HP can after this fiasco!
Enjoy the night fellas...waiting on my Navy son to call me so we can talk for a few mins. He's on the other side of the planet and we haven't talked in two/three weeks.