These therapists need to prescribe each of these patients cyanide
We live in a country full of pussies
SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Mental health professionals nationwide are seeing a steady stream of patients coming in with anxiety and depression related to daily news about the Trump administration, according to
Kaiser Health News.
Requests for therapy appointments to Talkspace, an online therapy portal based in New York City, tripled immediately following the election and have remained high through January, according to the company.
"In my 28 years in practice, I've never seen anything like this level of stress," Nancy Molitor, a Chicago area psychologist, told Kaiser Health News. She says the vast majority of her patients -- from millennials to those in their 80s -- are bringing up politics in their therapy sessions. "What we're seeing now after the inauguration is a huge uptick in anxiety."
Many of her patients say they are having trouble sleeping and focusing at work or are fighting more with family members.
The politics-induced anxiety is so common it's been given an unofficial name: Post-Election Stress Disorder.
Fifty-seven percent of Americans report that the current political climate is a very or somewhat significant source of stress, and 40 percent say the same about the outcome of the election, according to a
survey of 1,019 adults conducted by the American Psychological Association after the inauguration. Between August 2016 and January 2017, the overall average stress level increased significantly for the first time since the Stress in America survey began 10 years ago.
It's not just Democrats who are bringing up politics on the couch. The survey found 26 percent of Republicans say the outcome of the election is stressing them out, too.
"I'm seeing lot of anxiety and anger on both sides," said Elaine DuCharme, a psychologist in Glastonbury, Conn. "People who are Republicans are afraid to tell anyone. They're afraid that everybody thinks that every Republican thinks exactly as Trump does, and support every single thing he does."
She says some of her patients are particularly concerned about maintaining civil relationships with friends and loved ones who have different political opinions. "People are walking on eggshells," DuCharme said.