My company employs more than 500, but generally is following those guidelines. If you can't make it to work because of the sniffles(or COVID), you can either use time from your PTO bank or take no pay with no penalty. If you get a positive diagnosis it's two weeks off with 100% pay. Between the usual low-lifes taking advantage(why you'd hire on only to find every excuse not to come to work and lose pay is beyond me) and the dis-incentive to get a job, they've really struggled to staff daily production operations. I've seen tons of salaried office types out on the floor running production. Today they announced that any person that works their entire scheduled work week will get $100 extra. My buddy in TX works for Frito Lay. He said they get a raffle ticket each morning when they show up. They raffle off 10 $250 gift cards weekly.
I realize what your girl's situation is different than what I'm describing here
@Mastermind , crazy times we're livin' in.