Sorry about the double posting this in another thread.. I was looking for this one...
OK, so I went into my XPW for the final time today and made some changes...
Mdavelee, you were right, I misread my degree wheel and the exhaust was NOT 113, but 103.
Before I made the first changes the stock cylinder port timing with a base gasket delete was Ex:103, Trans:128 and Intake:75
Last time I was inside, I raised the transfers 3 deg so the numbers it was at when I started today and with the base gasket delete: Ex:103, Trans:125, Int:75, BD of 22.
I raised the exhaust to 100, transfers to 122 and also squared the intake. I opted not to lower the intake floor as I want to be careful not to lose too much intake velocity. Last time I was in I widened the exhaust to 35mm to bring it to 70% of bore diameter. I did not make any changes to exhaust width today, just raised it 3.
We don't have any logs in our little landing at this time so all I did was fire it up and make sure it would at least run and spool up, which it did in spades.
Final timing numbers are: Ex:100, Trans:122, Intake:75 and 22 deg of blowdown. These numbers reflect a deleted base gasket.
I would like the thank Randy, the pistol wielding monkey for posting these numbers on his XPW build thread on AS awhile back, as this was my guide.
Frankly, all of you guys who have been so generous with knowledge and good recommendations on what to do based on years of trial and error is very much appreciated. Were it not for several of you, it's very likely I would have taken one thing or another too far and turned my cylinder into a paperweight. I would rather make some good mods the first time without destroying the cylinder. Maybe I wouldn't have even attempted my own porting in the first place!
Total mods to be included with the above numbers:
-Unlimited coil
-Exhaust widened to 70% of bore
-Intake port squared up
-Base gasket delete
-Advanced ignition timing
-Dual ported muffler
Couple pics of what I did...
First is a shot of the exhaust port, second is of the exhaust outlet which I enlarged and also enlarged the gasket, heat shield and muffler.
Third shot is of the squared up intake.
Last pic just a general shot of final cleanup of lower transfers.