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My Buddy Tracy


Birch! Please.....
Local time
7:10 AM
User ID
Dec 29, 2015
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Utah, unfortunately.....
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Great news about Tracy @Mastermind

Head injuries are not predictable in any way, shape, or form...

When I was in my early 30's I fell off the top of a tank truck trailer, and landed on the asphalt. Fortunately I got my body turned in mid air, and managed to land on my hands. I was going to "pancake" the landing, but unfortunately, one of my guys was on the trailer ladder, and as I went by him, he tried to grab my leg(he busted a couple fingers), this caused me to pendulum, and my upper body accelerate. When I hit my arms took most of my falling 220lbs, but then my forehead got intimate with the asphalt, and my head went back far enough that I ended up with road rash on my shoulders. I took 29 sutures in my head, lost about a 1/4" in height, and suffer from nerve damage in my wrists and forearms. No fractures, and no visible signs of a concussion.
I spent 7 hours in the ER, and was required to take a week off of work. I was pretty damn fortunate, and every medical person told me so.

My dad died from a massive subdural hematoma that was the result of a fall from getting hit from behind by some dogs at a park. He hit his head on the grass.

Some *s-word in life just doesn't make sense.


Here For The Long Haul!
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1:10 PM
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Feb 7, 2016
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Im really relieved to hear the good news Randy as i have been following the thread !! Sure there are many folks including Tracys family and close friends such as yourself , that feel life has cut him some slack this time !! Been there myself so I remember how the ones we love go through the mill when we get injured. All the very best to Tracy now he is on the mend and i hope your GTG on the 3rd is a blast for him and you all . :)


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
9:10 AM
User ID
May 11, 2016
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Southeast, TN
Great news about Tracy @Mastermind

Head injuries are not predictable in any way, shape, or form...

When I was in my early 30's I fell off the top of a tank truck trailer, and landed on the asphalt. Fortunately I got my body turned in mid air, and managed to land on my hands. I was going to "pancake" the landing, but unfortunately, one of my guys was on the trailer ladder, and as I went by him, he tried to grab my leg(he busted a couple fingers), this caused me to pendulum, and my upper body accelerate. When I hit my arms took most of my falling 220lbs, but then my forehead got intimate with the asphalt, and my head went back far enough that I ended up with road rash on my shoulders. I took 29 sutures in my head, lost about a 1/4" in height, and suffer from nerve damage in my wrists and forearms. No fractures, and no visible signs of a concussion.
I spent 7 hours in the ER, and was required to take a week off of work. I was pretty damn fortunate, and every medical person told me so.

My dad died from a massive subdural hematoma that was the result of a fall from getting hit from behind by some dogs at a park. He hit his head on the grass.

Some *s-word in life just doesn't make sense.
I'd say you have lingering mental problems from it for sure :p


Chief Cat Herder
Staff member
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
8:10 AM
User ID
Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Great news about Tracy @Mastermind

Head injuries are not predictable in any way, shape, or form...

When I was in my early 30's I fell off the top of a tank truck trailer, and landed on the asphalt. Fortunately I got my body turned in mid air, and managed to land on my hands. I was going to "pancake" the landing, but unfortunately, one of my guys was on the trailer ladder, and as I went by him, he tried to grab my leg(he busted a couple fingers), this caused me to pendulum, and my upper body accelerate. When I hit my arms took most of my falling 220lbs, but then my forehead got intimate with the asphalt, and my head went back far enough that I ended up with road rash on my shoulders. I took 29 sutures in my head, lost about a 1/4" in height, and suffer from nerve damage in my wrists and forearms. No fractures, and no visible signs of a concussion.
I spent 7 hours in the ER, and was required to take a week off of work. I was pretty damn fortunate, and every medical person told me so.

My dad died from a massive subdural hematoma that was the result of a fall from getting hit from behind by some dogs at a park. He hit his head on the grass.

Some *s-word in life just doesn't make sense.

No sense at all my friend. :(


Chief Cat Herder
Staff member
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
8:10 AM
User ID
Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Good your friend is feeling better.

Feeling better......some I think. He just couldn't stand sitting on his hands any longer. I just unloaded two loads of test wood, and some firewood Tracy loaded for me, I can test drive some saws now my friends. This one man show chit is tough on an old fart I tell ya.

I asked Tracy some pretty pointed questions......like I said, we have been good friends for a long time. He should not be back in the woods yet at all. Four different skull fractures in his face and forehead. No swelling of the brain, but some lingering dizziness. He said he saw the limb, knew it would come out, but it landed brushy end first, then sprung back toward him faster than he could get away from. Until today all I really had was second hand reports. Tracy is lucky to be alive.....and he knows it.

Stump Shot

Disciple of Monkey's
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8:10 AM
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Jun 5, 2016
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Northwoods of Wisconsin
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I've got a cousin like that, flat won't listen to the doctors at all, they tell him to rest, so he takes that as I should go work 12 hours a day in his shop on heavy equipment. Goes back and doctor tells him how great he's doing, never seen anyone do as good as him before. Then doc had a cow when he fessed up to what he'd been up to. Go figure.

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
Local time
8:10 AM
User ID
Jan 3, 2016
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My physical therapist freaked out, when we had our initial meet and greet after my back surgery... Apparently she'd never she'd never seen someone 3 or 4 weeks out of surgery come in with saw chips on his back brace... Ooops. She wasn't relieved when I told her I'd only been running a MS201T cuttin up some kindling...


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
9:10 AM
User ID
Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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Some years ago my brother had a 2nd surgery because the first time his intestines stuck to the lining of his stomach, creating a very painful situation. The doctors were horrified when my brother informed them he was doing pull ups to tear the intestine from the stomach wall. So my brother asked, "you got a better idea?" ... I didn't think so ... I'm not going through a 3rd operation. My brother said doing the pull ups was painful as H***, but he could tell they were doing what needed to be done.

They wanted to put my brother on full disability. My brother is now 62 and there are darn few people half his age who can keep up with him for a full day, just ask his son MechanicMatt, he will tell you.

Sometimes, you just can't listen to the doctors, but don't be too foolish, always listen to your body.

Glad to hear your friend is doing better Randy, and hope the fund raiser helps.

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
Local time
8:10 AM
User ID
Jan 3, 2016
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I told her I could only sit inn the recliner for so long and long walks weren't my thing, outside of the mountains...