I met a guy who was referred to me for working on saws from a recent customer, and he has two saws that he wanted me to go over and clean up/tune up, and do what needs to be done to make them right...
One saw is a 2255, obviously a newer saw, and he hasn't abused it from the looks of it. He said he loves that saw.
The other one is a Jonsered 450, and it looks like an old dog... and I have never messed with this model in particular, out of the 100 saws I have played with now...
The compression seems very low on it and I think the rings are worn out. I am going to pull the muffler first and inspect the piston for wear, and then I am going to recommend not rebuilding it, as I have read some pretty weak reviews about these 450 models before, seems like it wouldn't be worth it.
Does anyone know what the healthy compression for an old Jonsered 450 is? I would assume 135 minimal at sea level and 150 is ideal?
This saw falls down the rope when held up and doesn't put up much resistance at all when being pulled over, just pop,pop,pop, easy as you please.