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John Deere Z740M 54'' cut zero turn mower

old saw fixer

Super OPE Member
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6:30 AM
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Dec 8, 2020
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Nottoway County, Virginia
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Looking to modernize my lawn mowing.

Any comments (other than price) about the above mentioned mower? I don't need to spend the money for a pro mower, and don't want the problems of a used pro mower either. I have to keep in mind what is available in my area for parts (important) and service ( I do most of my own service).


Active OPE Member
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5:30 AM
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Oct 21, 2023
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Looking to modernize my lawn mowing.

Any comments (other than price) about the above mentioned mower? I don't need to spend the money for a pro mower, and don't want the problems of a used pro mower either. I have to keep in mind what is available in my area for parts (important) and service ( I do most of my own service).
Looking to modernize my lawn mowing.

Any comments (other than price) about the above mentioned mower? I don't need to spend the money for a pro mower, and don't want the problems of a used pro mower either. I have to keep in mind what is available in my area for parts (important) and service ( I do most of my own service).

I'll offer my opinion. For mowing lawn, I think zero turn tops the list. As far as brand, I have older Dixons (drive cone & hydrostatic versions), none of which are manufactured anymore. They have been extremely reliable ( got my first one in the late 80's still working, deck shot). If I were to buy a new machine today, I would consider the same things that you are. However, John Deere is the last brand that I would own. Reason, they are exclusive with parts and in my opinion, insanely expensive. Also, I believe John Deere would prefer if DIYers didn't exist. I don't have a recommendation for what I would buy, but avoiding undesirable things is equally important. I'm interested to read about other opinions.


Stock Chainsaws do not suck!
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
6:30 AM
User ID
Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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Looking to modernize my lawn mowing.

Any comments (other than price) about the above mentioned mower? I don't need to spend the money for a pro mower, and don't want the problems of a used pro mower either. I have to keep in mind what is available in my area for parts (important) and service ( I do most of my own service).
That green paint certainly adds to the price. Not sure they even make their own zero turns. I agree with the avoid. Seems the hydro units are the thing you need to look into. Some Are disposable, and some are repairable. I say if they don't say what hydro unit it has, avoid it.