Aftermarket 346 is the deal of the day here, if you use it get a caber ring and OEM circlips.
What I am about to share is my experience and opionion. I can back it up with pictures.
I bought two no name 365 kits here for rediculously cheap I got what I paid for and they are the worst I have ever seen. To ship them back I am throwing good money after bad. Hyway, Golf, Meteor, tecomec and even some farmer tec (to a lesser extent)are useable products that are fine for the price. I would personally be very weary about no name kits. You will have a 20 dollar paper weight.
I like the sealers like hondabond or motoseal for the bearing cap. They really set up and create a bond that is kind of a pain to remove. I use permatex 518 for the base gasket replacement because it is easier to break, easier to clean and you dont have to wait.
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