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Hobby Becoming Exhausting

Hundred Acre Wood

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10:59 PM
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Dec 11, 2022
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On the hill
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Thing about that though is firearms are almost always a good investment. Even accounting for inflation in most cases you can at least get your money back.

Firearms can be a good investment, some can even be great investments. The benchmark for return on investment is 10% a year. That means your investment should double roughly every 7 years. If you're getting less of a return, there's better investments out there.

Of course we all dump money in our hobbies and that's a different perspective entirely.


Super OPE Member
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9:59 PM
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Apr 22, 2016
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Colfax, WI
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Firearms can be a good investment, some can even be great investments. The benchmark for return on investment is 10% a year. That means your investment should double roughly every 7 years. If you're getting less of a return, there's better investments out there.

Of course we all dump money in our hobbies and that's a different perspective entirely.

Just remember, houses, guns, tools, etc... all wear out, get used, and go down in value. It's confounded to teach a society that things are worth more as they wear out. Investments are part of what drives inflation, because everyone wants more for something when they sell it. Our house is 160 years old and is definitely not worth more than it used to be. It's insanity to teach people this stuff. If you believe what you are saying, then I have some older, well worn saws I'm looking to sell.

Hundred Acre Wood

Full-time Slacker
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10:59 PM
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Dec 11, 2022
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On the hill
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Just remember, houses, guns, tools, etc... all wear out, get used, and go down in value. It's confounded to teach a society that things are worth more as they wear out. Investments are part of what drives inflation, because everyone wants more for something when they sell it. Our house is 160 years old and is definitely not worth more than it used to be. It's insanity to teach people this stuff. If you believe what you are saying, then I have some older, well worn saws I'm looking to sell.

I think we're largely saying the same thing, but let me clarify. I'll paraphrase, but you said things that get used generally go down in value. I agree. That's why I said "If you're getting less of a return, there's better investments out there."

My post is a caution not to lie to yourself that your hobby is an investment. Because most aren't. That doesn't make them not worthwhile. We all have hobbies that we enjoy and spend money on. They make us happy and keep us busy. But I'm realistic about what I expect to get a return on. i.e. an investment.

I'll say it again, your investment should double roughly every 7 years. If you're getting less of a return, there's better investments out there.


Stock Chainsaws do not suck!
Yearly GoldMember
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Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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Just remember, houses, guns, tools, etc... all wear out, get used, and go down in value. It's confounded to teach a society that things are worth more as they wear out. Investments are part of what drives inflation, because everyone wants more for something when they sell it. Our house is 160 years old and is definitely not worth more than it used to be. It's insanity to teach people this stuff. If you believe what you are saying, then I have some older, well worn saws I'm looking to sell.
Inflation was less than .1% before 1913. Prices stayed pretty much the same. Now the 6 million dollar man from the 70's, is going to be the 6 billion dollar man. Not much thought went into that calculation now did it. Technology is supposed to become cheaper, and we haven't had that much inflation, yet!


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jul 9, 2017
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Boonesborough, KY
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Just remember, houses, guns, tools, etc... all wear out, get used, and go down in value. It's confounded to teach a society that things are worth more as they wear out. Investments are part of what drives inflation, because everyone wants more for something when they sell it. Our house is 160 years old and is definitely not worth more than it used to be. It's insanity to teach people this stuff. If you believe what you are saying, then I have some older, well worn saws I'm looking to sell

That's one thing that has always bugged me, watching people become slaves to their houses. Don't get me wrong, I like having a house, but some folks are clearly in way over their heads with it. I just watched my sister and BIL drop 20k on their kitchen like it's nothing. They always say they do it because it's such a good investment. Well, that can be the case but the usual return I have seen is no greater than having some kind of little side gig for years. Another thing that gets me is people who will buy a total POS house that needs lots of work for way more money than they could buy a decent mobile home for. I get that trailers go down in value and lots of folks can't handle the lowbrow image they have, but at the end of the day are you really that far ahead when you factor in not just money but hundreds of hours of time and aggravation you have put into fixing up that house? Which still has a tiny yard in a less than desirable neighborhood?


The Peanut Gallery
Local time
10:59 PM
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Jan 1, 2016
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Warren Center, PA
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Chainsaws are pretty simple straight foward, and most of the folks dealing with them are decient. Now start buying, selling and trading horses, that is a group of people I can't stand, bunch of dishonest and deceiving folks. And I won't even go into the equine registry, another nightmare that's nightmarish lol
Amen...My wife sent a mare to auction recently that was barely fit to ride for the most experienced person (full disclosure on our part) and was also lame at the time. Two months later it showed up on one of the sale pages as kid friendly. Which I can tell you from personal experience that horse most certainly was not. That bish was flat out crazy. We've ran into several shady deals throughout the years.