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echo 360t piston discontinued


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7:16 PM
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Jan 25, 2025
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Canada, Alberta
I need to replace the pistion on my echo 360T. The exhaust side of the piston and ring is scored up resulting in loss of compression/no start. The aluminium piston has transfered material to the cylinder wall which im hoping i can clean up.

Ive had zero luck with the echo dealer as the piston cannot be bought separately as its NLA. They said my only option was to buy a short block assembly, problem is it costs a good amount and costing more than the saw is worth. I see lots of after market pistons for all other models except the 360T, what gives?

If anyone has a lead to a aftermarket piston for this saw it would be greatly appreciated if you could respond to this post.

Im also looking for the factory service manual to find the ring size as perhaps i can clean things up a but and replace the ring and get a little more life out of the saw.


Here For The Long Haul!
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8:16 PM
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Oct 31, 2018
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Mt. Juliet, TN
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Try to get as accurate of measurements as you can of your piston similar to what is found in this thread:https://opeforum.com/threads/piston-base-gasket-cylinder-measurements.20928/post-1097038

and post your measurements here, and maybe someone can measure any parts, junk or not, that they have to find something compatible. Also post good pictures of your piston. Is there a chance that the 355t or 360TES piston will fit? I saw one website list the 360t as 36.3cc vs 355t being 35.8, so if it is a different bore size, then it won't work, but if it's just a different stroke size, and the piston skirt shape isn't much different, and pin hole diameter and distance from the crown are the same, it might work.