Well-Known OPE Member

OK, not exactly wear per se. This is the 18" Speedcut bar on my MS261C-M 3.0. The paint is chipped off both sides of the bar in a fairly identical manner.
Does this indicate:
*Too little oil? The rails look fine to me if I remove the chain to look.
*Too low or high tension?
*Normal as maybe the chain flings back to the bar in that spot? Don't worry/be happy?
*Funky spot in heat treatment? (Probably not both sides)
I may as well ask now before I run it a lot more.
Does this indicate:
*Too little oil? The rails look fine to me if I remove the chain to look.
*Too low or high tension?
*Normal as maybe the chain flings back to the bar in that spot? Don't worry/be happy?
*Funky spot in heat treatment? (Probably not both sides)
I may as well ask now before I run it a lot more.