That's not half smart.Got any bearing blue I'd paint the inner face of the drum and the inner and outer thrust faces of the drum. that should show up anything rubbing or dragging of clutch shoes inside the drum when the brake is applied if that is where the problem stems from.
edit- I should add Id have the saw fully warmed up beforehand so you can start it at idle then apply the brake.
Not half smart = "that isnt half a smart idea" in a good way Matt if its used the same as in the uk ."not half smart" .... not sure if that is an aussie expression or not...
the expression in usa is "not half bad" to indicate "pretty good" .....
or were you driving at implying a bad idea?
Ok, I'm stumped.
Husky 242g - so essentially rocking horse droppings in Aus.
Holds a tune, chain doesn't spin at idle. New clutch spring and clutch needle bearing.
Apply the chain brake and it stalls. I'm about stumped, I haven't ruled out a leaky crank seal, but it shows no other symptoms and Ye olde squirt with brake cleaner doesn't make it stall.
Any clues? Feel like I'm missing something obvious.
yep... now we are talkin.... I like the ...try to start it w/ the chainbrake engaged idea