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My friends wanted to express their thanks for the money you raised for them.
Here is a letter from Toni who is battling cancer,
"Hello, This is to express our gratitude to all of you who took matters into your own hands to help my husband and me in my cancer journey. When diagnosed in January it came as a complete shock to both of us, as I know some of you may know by personal experience or maybe can imagine; it's been a hard year to say the least! We feel as though all of 2017 so far has been lost, just dedicated to fighting cancer! But through it, we also experienced and felt the support of so many people; family and friends for sure, but from you, complete strangers but people who are caring and full of heart!
So many questions come flooding into your mind, some more serious than others, as you try to deal with what's happening, ranging from, “Did it spread anywhere else?”, “Should I just shave my head?”, “Will I make it?, am I going to be here this time next year?” One of the things that I obsessed about was “I have to clean my closet.” How can I leave behind such a mess for my poor husband/mom/friends to have to pick through? When I expressed my concern to Chris about this and how mortified I would be, (in retrospect, I guess not, I'd be dead) he said, “Don't worry, I will clean it myself and preserve your honor.” Lol! I seem to be getting a bit off course but there is a point to this. What I’m trying to say is that all these questions and worries, big and small, add up to create this one giant ball of fear and anxiety! So when you see those medical bills start piling up and you can’t keep up, and you wonder how will you ever..well, it makes EVERTHING seem much less bearable for sure.
So thank you, for your generous spirit. We hope you really understand how we were so very touched by your kindness and the burden you've lifted. When Chris came and told me what you did, after a moment of not comprehending, all I could do was cry! We both did. We just couldn't believe that people we didn't even know would do something like that for us. I guess you could say you all proved that there are lots of caring and kind people still out there in a world where we too often see otherwise. It made me think of a Bible verse where God says “Let us create man in our image, according to our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26) It explains the reason for the spiritual side of man's nature, and our capacity for caring, mercy, love, our sense of justice, and all things beautiful.
So THANK YOU, for reflecting that, and for the reminder to always strive to do the same. People like you truly inspire.
“We’re all just walking each other home” -Ram Dass
Sincerely, Toni and Chris Beaudoin
P.S. I cleaned my closet
And from Chris her husband who you saw in the video,
"To all members of the Riff Raff Chainsaw Collective, Our sincerest thanks
These letters are being sent to express our sincerest gratitude for a most generous gift my wife and I received from the members of the collective to help us with our financial obligations connected to my wife's battle with cancer. The outpouring of your support has deeply touched us. At a time when so many in the world are in desperate need of relief, it is humbling to think you came to our aid. Neighbors helping neighbors-your generosity is a reflection of all that is decent in mankind and a testimony to the character of the members of the collective. Your act of kindness reminds me of the illustrative account of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) that Jesus gave to show-who really is our neighbor? The conclusion being, one who needs our aid. Like the Good Samaritan in the account you have acted mercifully in our behalf, making yourselves a neighbor to us by rendering us aid, and we THANK YOU! May the ancient proverb prove true in your case, “The generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25)
We would be amiss, however, if we did not make ourselves a neighbor to all of you by sharing something very rare in today's world-HOPE. The kind of hope that only our creator can give. The promise that soon this earth will be a paradise, free of wars and hatred, one dominated by love for God and neighbor, safe, secure, free of sickness, death, sorrow, pain. Everlasting life. (Psalm 46:8,9 Micah 4:1-4 Revelation 21:3,4 Psalm 37:10, 11, 29)
Included is a link to a brief video. Please feel free to view it. (no strings) Also, you can email me with any thoughts or questions:
Thanks again for your thoughtful generosity. Sincerely, Chris and Toni Beaudoin
P.S. For all you tree huggers out there: we thought an appropriate way to remember your gift would be to plant a tree in our yard."
Here is a letter from Toni who is battling cancer,
"Hello, This is to express our gratitude to all of you who took matters into your own hands to help my husband and me in my cancer journey. When diagnosed in January it came as a complete shock to both of us, as I know some of you may know by personal experience or maybe can imagine; it's been a hard year to say the least! We feel as though all of 2017 so far has been lost, just dedicated to fighting cancer! But through it, we also experienced and felt the support of so many people; family and friends for sure, but from you, complete strangers but people who are caring and full of heart!
So many questions come flooding into your mind, some more serious than others, as you try to deal with what's happening, ranging from, “Did it spread anywhere else?”, “Should I just shave my head?”, “Will I make it?, am I going to be here this time next year?” One of the things that I obsessed about was “I have to clean my closet.” How can I leave behind such a mess for my poor husband/mom/friends to have to pick through? When I expressed my concern to Chris about this and how mortified I would be, (in retrospect, I guess not, I'd be dead) he said, “Don't worry, I will clean it myself and preserve your honor.” Lol! I seem to be getting a bit off course but there is a point to this. What I’m trying to say is that all these questions and worries, big and small, add up to create this one giant ball of fear and anxiety! So when you see those medical bills start piling up and you can’t keep up, and you wonder how will you ever..well, it makes EVERTHING seem much less bearable for sure.
So thank you, for your generous spirit. We hope you really understand how we were so very touched by your kindness and the burden you've lifted. When Chris came and told me what you did, after a moment of not comprehending, all I could do was cry! We both did. We just couldn't believe that people we didn't even know would do something like that for us. I guess you could say you all proved that there are lots of caring and kind people still out there in a world where we too often see otherwise. It made me think of a Bible verse where God says “Let us create man in our image, according to our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26) It explains the reason for the spiritual side of man's nature, and our capacity for caring, mercy, love, our sense of justice, and all things beautiful.
So THANK YOU, for reflecting that, and for the reminder to always strive to do the same. People like you truly inspire.
“We’re all just walking each other home” -Ram Dass
Sincerely, Toni and Chris Beaudoin
P.S. I cleaned my closet

And from Chris her husband who you saw in the video,
"To all members of the Riff Raff Chainsaw Collective, Our sincerest thanks
These letters are being sent to express our sincerest gratitude for a most generous gift my wife and I received from the members of the collective to help us with our financial obligations connected to my wife's battle with cancer. The outpouring of your support has deeply touched us. At a time when so many in the world are in desperate need of relief, it is humbling to think you came to our aid. Neighbors helping neighbors-your generosity is a reflection of all that is decent in mankind and a testimony to the character of the members of the collective. Your act of kindness reminds me of the illustrative account of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) that Jesus gave to show-who really is our neighbor? The conclusion being, one who needs our aid. Like the Good Samaritan in the account you have acted mercifully in our behalf, making yourselves a neighbor to us by rendering us aid, and we THANK YOU! May the ancient proverb prove true in your case, “The generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25)
We would be amiss, however, if we did not make ourselves a neighbor to all of you by sharing something very rare in today's world-HOPE. The kind of hope that only our creator can give. The promise that soon this earth will be a paradise, free of wars and hatred, one dominated by love for God and neighbor, safe, secure, free of sickness, death, sorrow, pain. Everlasting life. (Psalm 46:8,9 Micah 4:1-4 Revelation 21:3,4 Psalm 37:10, 11, 29)
Included is a link to a brief video. Please feel free to view it. (no strings) Also, you can email me with any thoughts or questions:
Thanks again for your thoughtful generosity. Sincerely, Chris and Toni Beaudoin
P.S. For all you tree huggers out there: we thought an appropriate way to remember your gift would be to plant a tree in our yard."