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372XP\XT Rebuild


Aluminium Member
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7:14 PM
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Jan 17, 2016
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"DID" ;)

I ordered a 390xp.

Going to rebuild and port the 372 as long as there's no hidden damage :D

I wouldn't mind another 346XP but with a long bar to save my back for limbs... I'll be watching the for sale thread :D
Post some pics of the saw
Roll the crank and check for damage.
With what you describe I'd just get another builder and swap parts
Or a runner for 400.00 or so.
You need to run a ported 372
To see what they're like.
I run them and ported 266/268/272 over my
Ported 288s
For everything.


Hillbilly grinder
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7:14 PM
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Dec 28, 2015
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"DID" ;)

I ordered a 390xp.

Going to rebuild and port the 372 as long as there's no hidden damage :D

I wouldn't mind another 346XP but with a long bar to save my back for limbs... I'll be watching the for sale thread :D

I like my Xtra sausage 346 and I need to try it with a 20” as soon as I remember to order one but I really like a 372 with a 28” lightweight or even up to a 34” lightweight on them. Ported of course. A 562 isn’t bad either for limbs with a 28” light weight. The Oiler can’t quite keep up buried in dry hardwoods with that length of bar to me.


They’re Just Saws
Local time
7:14 PM
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Feb 9, 2016
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Central NY
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Hey guys! Thanks for letting me join.

I own 20 densely forested acres and have cleared over 100 trees on it so far in the 5 acres I've worked on, over grown is an understatement. Cedar, Douglas Fur, Oak, and ponderosa pine. I run a 16" 346xpg and 24" 372XP. Most trees are 24" or under but I've gotten up into 26 - 36" oak and when I have to take them down 30" pines or furs. The oaks mainly go down due to elevation I'm at and danger they pose after certain size. I run the 346xpg mostly as I love that saw, fast, light and gets the job done but the 372xp for all my oak work. I cut to clear my land, and for heat\firewood and prefer to own something that'll last me a lifetime.

I had a tragic accident yesterday and my beloved and often cursed (for starting) 372xp is in bad shape.

I was working on a nasty forward leaning oak with a bore cut and had what I thought was enough strap (4"+) left to hold it but once I hit center water came out and, I knew I was done and she shifted pinching my 372xp. Not really an issue, grabbed my trusty 346xpg and finished the job. The problem here was this was a cluster of trees and had a pallet wedged between them all, when the 372xp broke lose it hit the pallet which was / and went directly under the falling oak... even with soft earth and a 6" indention the crank case, clutch cover, and throttle\gas tank assembly were destroyed. Appears no other damage (as-if that wasn't enough).

Posting here looking for advice and some help...

1- Who is trustworthy builder? If I ship this to someone can someone rebuild this and tune\port it so it starts better and has a bit more grunt? I'm not happy with the low-end torque and random times I get chips stuck between bar\chain when not pulling out at wot.
(I don't want an unsafe exhaust though due to high fire danger where I'm at.)

2- Would anyone suggest replacing these parts with knock-offs or is authenticate the way to go? Again I'm after top quality, but saving $ is important too ;) I've never dealt with knock saw parts.

3- How does the new 572XP compare? From what I've seen video comparison seems to be more weight for same performance?

4- What are chances another 20% deal? I may jump to a 390xp and sell mine.

I either need parts to replace ASAP or ship this ASAP as my season for cleanup is ending and I have a couple dozen more I need to take down this year.
Late to the party here but welcome to OPE. Sucks you crushed your saw but buying a new one is always exciting. Some top shelf builders have chimed in and you’ll be blown away when you get that 372 rebuilt and ported with an OE top end. Lots of info and videos on here about 372’s, great saws. Hopefully yours is salvageable.