High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. Brown8417

    FOUND IT 044 12 mil or 440 crank case

    Looking for a clean complete crank case for a 044 12 mil or 440 for a hybrid build. Need to be in good shape. Seller needs to be willing to ship. Thanks in Advance
  2. hughtho13

    044 Super Magnum

    I have a blown up 044 super magnum, I ordered a rebuild kit of a 044 but when I compared the old and the new I learned that the super has a 10mm piston pin and the new piston pin is a 12mm. I am looking for advice and any suggestions on where to go from here. I am very new to this field and...
  3. Saw_Squatch

    064 Spikes on 044? Smaller Double Dog setups?

    I'm looking for a more Eastern double dog setup for my 044, I still want double and preferably a roller chain catch but I just don't need big massive west coast spikes shortening my usable bar length. I had seen a few people say that the old 064 spikes were a good compromise and I've found some...
  4. Dman

    WANTED Walbro HD-11 or HD-8

    WTB. Looking for an HD-11 or HD-8 carb for my 044 stihl. Since neither carb is produced what are the alternatives? Thanks, Dave.
  5. BonScott46

    Price check 10mm 044 piston

    Just curious what guys are getting 10mm pistons for stateside. Tore down my 10mm to check things over and re ring and tighten the squish. Figured I would check the price on an OEM piston for *s-words and giggles, ended up being mostly *s-words....170 bucks. :( On a positive note the piston wash looked...
  6. A

    STIHL 044 chainsaw problems

    New here to the forum, looking for some help with my stihl 044 chainsaw. Chainsaw runs fine with air filter off , but as soon as I put the filter back on, seems like it isn’t receiving any fuel and bogs down to the point where it can’t be used. Chain doesn’t spin with filter on either, sounds...
  7. quattro90

    SOLD STIHL 044 K&S Slantfin Cylinder

    Stihl 044 K&S Slantfin Cylinder in great condition. $100 shipped in continental US except those in PST or International (will provide exact price shipping quote.) Just PM for any questions. Cheers!
  8. quattro90

    SOLD Stihl 044 Parts

  9. quattro90

    SOLD Stihl 044 K&S P/C Long Block Slantfin

    Stihl 044 K&S P/C Long Block. Crank turns over smoothly. Slight bit of play on flywheel side bearing. No scoring visible on P/C. Case bottom is in mediocre condition and shows wear. See pictures $75 shipped in lower 48 except for Left Coast (PM for shipping quote). PM with any additional...
  10. J

    WANTED Stihl MS 460 Fuel Tank

    I am looking for an MS 460 fuel tank, preferably not leaking, but I will take what I can get. I would consider an MS 440 tank as well. Thanks!
  11. Kensie1988

    FOUND IT Stihl 044 builder 12mm

    Im thinking about building another 12mm 044 with a Slant fin KS cylinder and would like to see what all is out there as far as builders or bottom ends. I dont need a piston or cylinder, just a good solid bottom end.
  12. Kensie1988

    SOLD 044 Slant fin cylinder

    Slant fin 044 cylinder, don’t know whether it’s a 10mm or 12mm, it was in a parts lot my buddy Ken has. He can get pictures of the bore tomorrow in better light, this is just the cropped pic of a group of pictures he sent me of stuff he wants to sell. He says he would like to get $100 for it.
  13. BonScott46

    FOUND IT Walbro HD11

    Just like the title says. New (preferably) or used so long as it functions as it should. Thanks.
  14. stihlpowersaw

    Stihl TS400 12 inch concrete/masonry saw ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT Free Shipping

    Stihl TS400 12 inch concrete/masonry saw available now at http://www.ebay.com/itm/292139363929?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 FOR ONLY 2 DAYS
  15. jb-chainsaws

    Stihl 044/ms440

    I actually posted this over on AS however i was invited to this site today so I thought I'd share it with you guys. Oh and Hi! I've been offered an 044/440 hybrid, built out of almost entirely brand new and all genuine Stihl parts. Here's the list: -Brand new 440 crank case, bearings...