you guys are killing me! I don't care how good the pigtail hoses are.... although I'm not convinced they are awesome.
what annoys the begebies outta me is that the pigtail hoses are not available in bulk. drives me nutso. more nuts than having to replace a piston because I was an idiot running the lines. keep harping on me if you want, but it aint gonna help. if husky offers the pigtail line in bulk where I can buy 100ft of it i'll gladly buy it. until then, the saws I build are gonna use the stihl stuff and I just need to make sure I run it proper.
oh, and speaking of business model... i'm not in business. this is a hobby. pretty sure i haven't made money selling saws...ever. partly because I'm a bonehead somestimes. ...partly because bad things happen. i have not half a clue as to how any of the saw builders on this site, or any other site make money. if I had to rely on that for income I'd go hungry for sure.
also, I'm pretty sure the vac leak is what messed me up. maybe it was the combo of that and the line. either way, i'm gonna be more careful