High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Wanted to say Hello, and show you my new saw!

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
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8:22 PM
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Jan 3, 2016
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Im curious Stihlin after you get that saw fully broken-in what your thoughts are. Have you run an 660's or other 90cc saws for comparison's sake?

Stihlin Time

Well-Known OPE Member
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9:22 PM
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Feb 24, 2016
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Locust- I demo'd a 241c. I did like it, from what I understand 16 inch is the longest you can go and are only able to run .325. That's exactly how I have my 261 set up now, 16" .325. But if some day I get some "work" done to it I would like to swtich it over to 3/8. Plus I knew what would happen and i'd love the this new style of saws and want to use it for everything, which happened on saturday we were cutting fire wood and got to 20" ish ash tree. instead of going back to the truck, I just cut it with the 261. I love making a saw work to it's full potential. Not abuse, but use the saw and make it work for it's keep.

I would say that the 661 is not completely broken in yet. I have I would say over 3 full tanks through it. filled up half way through the one tank. IT's awesome in my book, one or two pulls from cold start and it's running. If it's going to get more torque once it's full broken in all I can say is Wow. It pulls that 32" bar better then my dolmar would pull a 24. Atleast it feels to me that way. I have never ran a 660. I'm not sure what cc a husky 385 is, but I've spent some time behind one of those. Actually ran it for a few minutes on Saturday. That is a very nice saw, but I've not ran it to extent to really see what it's like or cut in wood over 25 inches I would say. Most of my bigger saw running consisted of a few sthil 460's, my dolmar 7900, that husky 385, and a husky 576 I ran for a half hour or so this winter. so nothing is really close to it. But nothing felt like it was close to it. It Fells leaps and bounds stronger then any of the other saws I have ran. I hope that answers your question. Im no saw expert and don't have extended time behind the saws, can just give you my impressions. but I get the 661 a big thumbs up!!!


Mastermind Approved!
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The 661 is very strong in stock form, I believe the others need to be "worked" to run with it. The 661 is also very smooth.


Mastermind Approved!
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9:22 PM
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Jan 20, 2016
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Locust- I demo'd a 241c. I did like it, from what I understand 16 inch is the longest you can go and are only able to run .325. That's exactly how I have my 261 set up now, 16" .325. But if some day I get some "work" done to it I would like to swtich it over to 3/8. Plus I knew what would happen and i'd love the this new style of saws and want to use it for everything, which happened on saturday we were cutting fire wood and got to 20" ish ash tree. instead of going back to the truck, I just cut it with the 261. I love making a saw work to it's full potential. Not abuse, but use the saw and make it work for it's keep.

I would say that the 661 is not completely broken in yet. I have I would say over 3 full tanks through it. filled up half way through the one tank. IT's awesome in my book, one or two pulls from cold start and it's running. If it's going to get more torque once it's full broken in all I can say is Wow. It pulls that 32" bar better then my dolmar would pull a 24. Atleast it feels to me that way. I have never ran a 660. I'm not sure what cc a husky 385 is, but I've spent some time behind one of those. Actually ran it for a few minutes on Saturday. That is a very nice saw, but I've not ran it to extent to really see what it's like or cut in wood over 25 inches I would say. Most of my bigger saw running consisted of a few sthil 460's, my dolmar 7900, that husky 385, and a husky 576 I ran for a half hour or so this winter. so nothing is really close to it. But nothing felt like it was close to it. It Fells leaps and bounds stronger then any of the other saws I have ran. I hope that answers your question. Im no saw expert and don't have extended time behind the saws, can just give you my impressions. but I get the 661 a big thumbs up!!!

241s usually run 3/8lp ( picco ) .. not as durable as .325 obviously but its just fine on those saws...limbs nicer and cuts a little quicker too.

Stihlin Time

Well-Known OPE Member
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9:22 PM
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Feb 24, 2016
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You are correct sir. I'm glad you corrected me. I do remember that now. I was thinking that I wanted to be able to run regular 3/8 and possibly put a longer bar if I wanted to at some point. I forgot all about it being 3/8 LP. I did like the saw, very quick in smaller wood. I just didn't know if it was what I was looking for. The max bar on the 241 is 16" correct? I don't have any intentions on putting a 18 or 20 on my 261, but it's nice to have the option.

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
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8:22 PM
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Jan 3, 2016
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Thanks for the reply. GIven the saws you listed that gives me a better idea. I used to own a stock 660 which was nice, but a little lacking in torque past 30". It sadly burned up in a truck fire which also consumed a Stihl 039 and Huskies 55 and 346xp... I've played with a decent number of saws spanning from top handles to 100+cc but am no logger. I cut firewood and of the 10-20 cord I cut per year over half is Osage Orange which requires a snotty saw. I like my 9010 VERY well now (which is a whole other animal as compared to a 7900, not to diminish the 7900 at all). I find myself drawn to saw that handle well, have VERY good acceleration, good hp for their size and darn good torque.

The 241 is a damn fine limbing saw and once ported will pull a 16" .325 bar pretty well. The 261 is much more versatile in that it's more of a 60cc saw with regards to weight, size and torque. My muffler modded 261 (Stock jug and timing) pulls a 16" bar of .050 x 3/8" chisel chain very well. However being more of a 346/550xp fan, I just like their handling and responsiveness better. a person who only wanted to have 2 saws would be well off with a MS261 and a MS460, Dolmar 7900 or Husky 385/390xp as the 261 is quite flexible. For me, I'd rather have a few more toys which may be a bit more limited in application but more uniquely suited to that application and VERY good at that. You would likely enjoy a ported MS241 but from what you've stated the 261 is likely a much better fit (or a 550xp or ported 346xp) and ported much more so.

For reference my saws usually run this order of bar/chains:
MS201T - 14" .050-3/8lp
MS261 & 346xp - 16" .050 - 3/8" but can run 20" bars of same pitch/gauge if needed.
262xp & 562xp - 20" - .050 - 3/8" but can 24 and 28" bars respectively.
372xp - 28" .050 - 3/8" but can run 20 and 24 inch bars of same pitch/gauge as well as 20-24" - .063 - .404" if needed
Dolmar 9010 - usually runs either a 28" or a 36" bar of 3/8" chisel full comp/half skip or full skip chain depending on the application. I will be getting 1 or more .404 bars for it soon though as some of the bigger trees I take are often pretty abrasive towards the base and .404 is more durable than 3/8" pitch and faster than carbide... I've seen video of 9010s running 42" bars of full skip on the coasts so that saw has some flexibility. It would be a lot of fun qith a 9 tooth driver and a 16-20" bar in a cant.

SOrry for the book but sometimes comparing notes is fun and gives a bit more perspective on the "how and whys" of things.


Local time
9:22 PM
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Feb 24, 2016
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southern ontario
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Welcome. Its a great place to hang out.

Nice saw, sure it will be just fine.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk

Stihlin Time

Well-Known OPE Member
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9:22 PM
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Feb 24, 2016
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I wish we had more Osage orange around these parts. I've only ever cut one and it wasn't that big. It did make very good firewood though. I didn't realize what it was at the time and thought that I must of hit a rock or something and my chain was dull. I did some reading on it and realized how hard of a wood it was, how rot resistant and how high it is on the btu chart. I'm surprised the 241 does well in that wood with as hard as it is, but I think you said yours is ported.

I enjoy hearing different opinions on what people think is "best". The only problem what is best for someone isn't best for the next guy, even if he has a similar situation. Something is different every time. Dealer support, personal experiences ( even if something is better, it takes a long time to feel ok switching over to the better thing, even if it's better LOL) , your mind can play funny games with you. Everyones definition of a Limb is different too. A limb to me, might be a twig to you, or what you save for firewood I may just leave in the woods because it will go up like paper in my OWB. Everyone is different and that's a good thing. I just enjoy reading/ talking about saws. I'm be no means an expert, and should not be giving advice. But I'm hear to learn and want to keep an open mind about everything.

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
Local time
8:22 PM
User ID
Jan 3, 2016
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ST, I agree wholeheartedly. I don't know that there will ever be any "best" tool out there as you're spont-on in saying that everyone has subjective needs, viewpoints and desires. Hell I don't NEED another 50cc saw but I WILL have a 550xp and likely a nice o26 Pro someday as I like them. My current wish list (in addition to what I presently own) are as follows:
Husky: 242xp, 359, maybe a 357xp, 560xp, 390xp and either 2100cd or 3120 A big Auto-tune XP might be worthwhile too.
Stihl: 026 Pro, 034 or 036, 044/MS440, MS461 and an old 076av or 090G
Dolmar: ported 7900/10 and maybe a 5100S
Efco: CS53 and CS62
Solo: 680
Homelite: Something 6 cube
McCulloch: 797 and SP125C
Echo: 620

That would set me up for a solid 27 saw plan and I could then decide what REALLY turns my crank and what doesn't and sell the "less desirables" to fund either firearms, motorcycles or a diesel Jeep Scrambler that I'd like to build... Of couse most of the saws would get ported eventually for no other reason than they're more fun that way... This CAD thing is expensive...
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