High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

SELLING Thinking of trading. 2159 and ms260

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Here For The Long Haul!
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5:04 AM
User ID
Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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Both good guys driller builds a good saw im a stihl guy i like my 361
I'm a husky guy, wait that sounds bad, okay better than being still:risas3:.
I really like saws, hand me one with a sharp chain and lets do some cutting :campeon:.
I have really wanted to try a 361. I think it was in my sig for a while, may still be there. It's about the only saw left on my list of saws from days gone by that I haven't got to run. I sourced one across the pond, it is a nos saw. With shipping it was gonna cost me right at a $1000.00. When I asked my mentor what I should do, he told me to buy a 562xp. That's coming from a Stihlhead. So I passed on the 361.
Harsh LOL.
Depending on which pond your speaking of some had open ports if I'm not mistaken(maybe that was just factory cylinder kits help me out someone), but others had better specs than the ones here in the states too:confused:.
I'm sure you've figured out much like you I like to try them all, if I was going to get an autotune/mtronic saw I think I'd choose the 362 over the 562(that's coming from a guy who like lots of orange:pancarta:), especially with the added weight on the newer cases. But I wouldn't lump a 562/362 into that category as they have the computer carbs and are different beast altogether.