Thanks OPE and thank you chipper 1. Great guy, after I got out of my feelings and started to understand the forum "talk" and "ways"we did business. Brett got a great saw! Sorry if I offended anyone.
Your in fine standing as far as I am concerned, terminology is tricky, what these cat's might consider modified,in your world is maintenance! I would have a hard time using the word mint around here due to the high standard required (would almost require NOS status to elicit the use of the aforementioned by me)
In these fellow's defense,they do a pretty good job of policing ad's and comment's. That eliminates a lot of the $900. NOS 090's by new members! I am sure that efforts like that have resulted in saving members money and scaring off the chainsaw Ponzi schemers !
In defense of new members such as yourself, I understand that sometimes differences in vocabulary alone can create big issues, along with no standardized way of judging appearance, wear or value
What some people would call a creampuff I on the other hand may perceive it to be the proverbial turd!
I sometimes feel that people are quick to jump on that scam bandwagon and not carefully judge it for what it is. Although I must commend chipper for spotting the snippet of fuel line visible in the single shot available, that led to a lot of unknown factors that previously weren't disclosed, to the detriment of your listing, unfortunately.(that's where the modified vs. maintenance definition comes into play. What you consider maintenance.on a low use "mint condition" saw,they consider and I concur that is definitely modified)
I am just a little more cautious about calling fowl before all the judges rule. In the end you may be a scammer , I kinda doubt it but I've been wrong before. I've been here a while and I would probably not be comfortable listing some of my saws,and that's a shame cause some of them are pretty fair, I am just not sure that I wouldn't wither under fire if my terminology didn't match the current Urban dictionary.
I would just hate to see new, potentially great future members not come back and not contribute due to being scared off, when all that was needed was a small amount of education on vocabulary, current market value, manners and any other applicable subjects. If they respond in a manner befitting OPE(and I might not even meet those qualifications) then the world will be a great place, well maybe that's a stretch, but you know what I mean...
Remember in the end, nobody wins, unless everybody wins!
BS. (The other one)
Prepared for onslaught of criticism, the constructive kind preferably, but all flavors accepted...