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First member of ASlite to receive a infraction
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12:05 AM
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Dec 31, 2015
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Uncle Willys basement
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On a side note, here's what the law does in Ga every St. Patricks Day...everybody in Ga knows Savannah, Ga is the St Patricks Day party place to be.

The Ga State Patrol and surrounding counties sheriff's dept's in an area around Bibb Co (Macon, Ga) and neighboring Twiggs Co set up a 'false' 'Road Construction Ahead; Get Off The Next Exit' sign on I-16 East leaving Macon, Ga area heading to Savannah. It's actually titled Operation Wrong Exit. They do this every single year and folks still get their asses busted. It's illegal by DOT to set a DUI checkpoint on the interstate in Ga, for obvious reasons, but once you pull onto this very lengthy, curving off-ramp at the designated exit the 'false' construction sign says to...guess what...they got yo ass if you've been drinking, got dope, etc. They tallied up over 50 arrests yesterday evening and last night...out of those half were DUI's. They've been doing this same chit for 15 yrs now at the same exact exit on I-16, and you'd think the locals, which were the majority of the arrests and DUI's, would figure the chit out.

Of course I don't mind one bit taking a drunk off the highways/byways and roads one bit...but damn folks, can't you wait to get to Savannah to start the partying? It ain't but a 2-hr drive, straight shot all the way down I-16 to hit Savannah. WTF over??

I've been on our FD now for over a month. All I can say is that I've got absolutely zero respect for anyone who gets behind the wheel once they are impaired.

Let's just hope that the guys the cops bust on these stings learn their lesson before they hurt or kill a innocent person.
It's usually not the drunk who gets hurt or killed in those wrecks


Saw R skeery
Local time
11:05 PM
User ID
Oct 21, 2016
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I've been on our FD now for over a month. All I can say is that I've got absolutely zero respect for anyone who gets behind the wheel once they are impaired.

Let's just hope that the guys the cops bust on these stings learn their lesson before they hurt or kill a innocent person.
It's usually not the drunk who gets hurt or killed in those wrecks

I feel that way about people texting and driving
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