Wish Sawtroll was in this thread. I believe the 2094 is the same as the 394xp. The 2095 is an entirely different saw (with no cousin from Husqvarna). It was designed and marketed as a milling saw.
Although well known for their chainsaws, JONSERED makes quality chainsaw mills. These mills are backed by the excellent reputation of this Swedish company that sells throughout North America.
Jonsered chainsaw mills are supplied complete with a Jonsered 2095 Turbo saw, their largest chainsaw. The chainsaw mill is a cost-efficient alternative for those who do not saw every day. It is also suitable for moving around because of its low weight. More »
Well my 9010 isn't going anywhere, I like it A LOT now, (thank you Randy and Mike) but I could see buying a separate milling saw as I'd like that 9010 to have a LONG healthy life of destroying Hegde, Oak and other tough trees...
2094/2095 share barely any parts with the 394/5 family. They oil great and have good torque. More stroke is in the case on the jonsered than the huskies.
I had a heck of a time getting this video. Take 4.........good enough. Damn wood kept sliding around, and I ain't in no condition for this crap at the moment.
I had a 2095 once. It was the easiest starting saw I ever had. It would pop on the first pull most times, and it would usually chug along long enough for me to flip the choke lever off before it died. Only saw I've ever seen that would cold start and stay running on the first pull.
I don't think I ever even ran it in wood before I sold it.
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