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SOLD MMWS Husqvarna 550XPG price cut

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Pinnacle OPE Member
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1:35 AM
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Dec 4, 2015
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Madalyns procedure went well yesterday. We got to the hospital at 5:30am. We met with the doctors just before 7am and then they gave her the versed (silly juice) as she succumbed to the meds my nerves got the best of me and I began to cry. I said a prayer with her and Kari and then they came into get her. Procedure took 32:57. I timed it, it was the longest 30 min of my life. A few minutes in, Kari made me look at videos and pics of the kids, and it distracted me. Then they rolled her out and back into her room for recovery. We had to stay out of the room while they got her breathing on her own. During this time we spoke with Dr. Al-tawil. We will have a follow up appt at his office in 2 weeks to discuss the biopsies. Then we went back to the waiting area, and no sooner set down then we got the ok to come be with
Madalyn. I beat my wife to her side. While Kari was kissing on her I used the opportunity to sneak into the bed on the other side, and slept there with my baby for 2 hours. I hadn't been able to sleep the night before, I had set up all night worrying. We went to Cracker Barrel to eat since we had all fasted with
Madalyn the day before. Then went home and all 5 of us piled on the bed and slept the better portion of the day away. Got up and did a toys'r us run.


Husqvarnas Sawyer
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Dec 27, 2015
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Madalyns procedure went well yesterday. We got to the hospital at 5:30am. We met with the doctors just before 7am and then they gave her the versed (silly juice) as she succumbed to the meds my nerves got the best of me and I began to cry. I said a prayer with her and Kari and then they came into get her. Procedure took 32:57. I timed it, it was the longest 30 min of my life. A few minutes in, Kari made me look at videos and pics of the kids, and it distracted me. Then they rolled her out and back into her room for recovery. We had to stay out of the room while they got her breathing on her own. During this time we spoke with Dr. Al-tawil. We will have a follow up appt at his office in 2 weeks to discuss the biopsies. Then we went back to the waiting area, and no sooner set down then we got the ok to come be with
Madalyn. I beat my wife to her side. While Kari was kissing on her I used the opportunity to sneak into the bed on the other side, and slept there with my baby for 2 hours. I hadn't been able to sleep the night before, I had set up all night worrying. We went to Cracker Barrel to eat since we had all fasted with
Madalyn the day before. Then went home and all 5 of us piled on the bed and slept the better portion of the day away. Got up and did a toys'r us run.
Stay strong Steven . Your family needs you . I am glad the procedure went well please keep us posted . I will keep her and your family in our prayers .


Chief Cat Herder
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Yearly GoldMember
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12:35 AM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Madalyns procedure went well yesterday. We got to the hospital at 5:30am. We met with the doctors just before 7am and then they gave her the versed (silly juice) as she succumbed to the meds my nerves got the best of me and I began to cry. I said a prayer with her and Kari and then they came into get her. Procedure took 32:57. I timed it, it was the longest 30 min of my life. A few minutes in, Kari made me look at videos and pics of the kids, and it distracted me. Then they rolled her out and back into her room for recovery. We had to stay out of the room while they got her breathing on her own. During this time we spoke with Dr. Al-tawil. We will have a follow up appt at his office in 2 weeks to discuss the biopsies. Then we went back to the waiting area, and no sooner set down then we got the ok to come be with
Madalyn. I beat my wife to her side. While Kari was kissing on her I used the opportunity to sneak into the bed on the other side, and slept there with my baby for 2 hours. I hadn't been able to sleep the night before, I had set up all night worrying. We went to Cracker Barrel to eat since we had all fasted with
Madalyn the day before. Then went home and all 5 of us piled on the bed and slept the better portion of the day away. Got up and did a toys'r us run.

Thanks for reminding us what really matters.

Blessings for your lovely family my friend.


Mastermind Approved!
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May 11, 2016
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Southeast, TN
I appreciate that Randy. As a father I have mixed feelings of helplessness watching her go through this and also guilt thinking that I may have passed something along or maybe my wife did but I feel like the guilt lands at my feet.
Oh brother you can't let those feelings go thru your head, they will tear you apart. I had alot of guilt and blaming myself for something that happened in my family a few years ago. It took me awhile to come to terms with the fact that there was nothing I did or could do. I'll be praying for your family brother.

stihl livin

Do the Dallas
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12:35 AM
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Dec 4, 2015
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At the farm
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Can we get an update on your daughter if you are able to. I'm bothered that I have not reached out to you but you know I am not a husky guy so I haven't followed this thread much. Hopefully the doctors were able to tell you something that was positive


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Dec 4, 2015
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Can we get an update on your daughter if you are able to. I'm bothered that I have not reached out to you but you know I am not a husky guy so I haven't followed this thread much. Hopefully the doctors were able to tell you something that was positive

Hi Nic, I asked most of the questions today at the office- simply bc Im slower on the intake when it comes to Medical stuff. Kari is very medically inclined, she has a wealth of knowledge (and is the patient every Doctor dreads). I will have to go back over it all with her. Basically, they found nothing wrong in the endoscopy or colonoscopy. She doesn't have Crohns or Celiac disease. Everything is normal. They can't explain it. We did learn that she has several food allergies recently, and eating those things would affect the Creon6000 medicine from helping her absorb nutrients from the food. There's 7 things she can't eat, and we happen to eat a lot of that stuff, so as a family we will be making changes. Next appt is in 6 months. As of today, nothing is wrong that is going to take her from me. I made the Nurse Practitioner reiterate that to me.

Thanks for asking.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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1:35 AM
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Dec 4, 2015
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Chris aka KenJax Tree was kind enough over on AS to take the time to provide my listing with a simplified summation of the detailed description on this saw listing. I thought I had explained it well enough, but his version is much simpler to understand. http://www.arboristsite.com/community/threads/mmws-husqvarna-550xpg.311824/ :beer-toast1:

Any further clarification, feel free to PM me.