Good read guys, thanks.
I am worried about the size of the saw because if I don’t most firemen are going to want a 661/880, why because bigger is always better right (not really). It’s funny how many young guys grab a 12lb commercial sledge hammer for breaching and the old guy grabs the 8lb, I assure you their is a reason (truth be told 7-8 years ago I grabbed the biggin too). FF is exhausting, simply wearing turnout gear and air packs is demanding, next throw in extra weight and I can attest every lb counts.
We have 2 trucks and a rescue on every structure fire call, they all carry 461 rescues for roof operations (as talked about earlier, and I agree they are properly sized).
Engine company is pulling saws for other calls. Downed tree, make a window a door, make a door an open wall. Most of our homes are lightweight construction and their is absolutely no need for a big saw. If it’s a downed tree with no immediate life safety issue we are not touching it.
My apprehension is during RIT operations making a window a door, or taking a wall from the exterior in smokey conditions. I agree wether it be a standard carb or Mtronic the situation is not ideal but it may be the hand that is dealt. Right now the dealer does not recommend an Mtronic, I’m not saying he’s right but he for all intensive purposes is the subject matter expert not me. If I go against his advice and God for bid something were to happen, well let’s just say I’m not going to put myself in that spot.
We have a smoke machine, looks like someone needs to get an Mtronic and do some field testing. Problem is I’m not burning up my personal saw and the department isn’t going to let me blow up one of theirs.
Be safe Gents, Rye.