tree monkey
Mastermind Approved!
As we travel through our incredible journey in life, we place stepping stones marking the path we have chosen. In placing these stones we choose the direction we want to go. We sometimes misplace stones, that lead us in the wrong direction. We can not simply remove these stones, because once they are laid they are there forever, so we need to place more stones to get back to the direction we want to go. We must be carful in our placement of our stones, as they may affect someone else's path. There will be times when our paths will cross, and we will share certain stones. If we are lucky, we will find someone to place stones with together and bring others into the world to place there own stones. As life goes on we find some stone are very difficult to place, and we need the help of our family's. On the 23rd of july 2017 my sisters and I helped our mother place her final stone as she left us to be with our father above. forever rest in peace
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