Pinnacle OPE Member

Sounds good. Hedge can pick up in OH in march. Should I let him know or will you?
Thanks TedGood machine .... shouldn't last very long ...
I'll let him know. At some point one of us needs to talk with him regarding his uncontrollable spending...It's all you.
Yep. planning on bringing my Poulan 3400 out there to run. Haven't heard much from you lately. How have you been?Them are good saws..
Real good..
But I got one already!
Tim? You going to a certain Gtg in Ohio this March?
Piston shot? What? If there was anything wrong with the saw, rest assured I would disclose it.Compression? Piston shot? 3/8 chain or .325
S'up T-izzle?Saw is sold.
50-55 minutes south on I-15. That would be cool ....nope, sold that one last year.Hi Jon, how have you been? Are you far from SLC? I'm headed out there in March. I would like to meet you in person if possible. Do you still have the ported 4000?
Would've liked to run that one. I'll pm you. I lost your phone number when my cell died.50-55 minutes south on I-15. That would be cool ....nope, sold that one last year.