There IS a lot to be said for buying new. You say you don't "need" one. Use something that saves you that time and get to use it with the kids, or taking a nap or getting other crap done, or... You'll get used to that idea REAL quick. The Scag that I bought is saving me a good hr+ per day mowing 4 family yards in Wichita vs a 21" mower. Hell two of the yard now take almost the same time to mow as they do to trim/edge. That's pretty slick to me. If you're looking at a walk behind the Scag SW and Exmark Metro are probably what I'd buy new. The Hyd units are a bit easier to control, but they're a lot heavier as they're essentially riders with handlebars. I like the considerably lighter weight, lower cost and mechanical simplicity of the belt drives.