Matt D
Well-Known OPE Member

My recently acquired Husqvarna 51 is giving me some trouble. The saw fires right up cold and idles nice but once I put it into some wood and make a couple cuts it will stall when I let off the throttle. The only way I can start it is by holding the throttle open while pulling the rope and unless I stay on the throttle it will die. I checked the spark plug and it looks fine, I also did a compression test with the motor cold and it reads 145psi on my tester. I thought I had the problem licked when I found the fuel line cracked where it exits the thank and goes into the carb, but I replaced the line and the fuel filter and the issue is still there. I fiddled with the H/L screws and the issue didn't go away. My next thought is to throw a carb kit at it but I hate to just throw parts at stuff. I'm pretty mechanically inclined and can troubleshoot snowmobiles and automobiles all day long but these 2 stroke saws seem way to temperamental. Any thoughts on how to diagnose this thing? I have access to about every tool except a pressure/vacuum tester.