i everyone.
Things got a little crazy in here for a few days. We appreciate those who reached out to us as we sorted things out.
Here is a link to the rules for the site:
We are going to keep a close eye on this forum for a while, especially for the offenses listed below:
-Intentional baiting or "trolling" of other members to incite an argument.
-Backseat moderators.
-Personal attacks
-Arguing with moderators or complaining about site moderation.
See something you don't like? Please hit the "Report" button for the offending comment. We have several admin and moderators on the site almost continuously during the day. We will investigate and take appropriate measures. If you choose to take things into your own hands and fire back at the offending member, you have now become part of the problem and may receive a warning for your actions.
We are aware folks don't like when posts are deleted. The solution to that is not to post something if you you think the content is at risk of being deleted.
We are all here for the same reason. Let's enjoy it.