@Wilhelm that has been my experience with semi chisel. However, I finally tried some stihl semi...only felling on my 288 but it seems promising.
Bunch of random pics of cutters | Outdoor Power Equipment Forum (opeforum.com)
If You like it and if it works for what You use it for good for You!
I have Stihl RM and I am not impressed.
I will most likely use it up bucking dirty skidded logs once I kill/retire the couple cheapo loops I currently utilize for this purpose.
We each go about the same thing in different ways.
We handle saws differently, we use different saws, we sharpen chains differently,
our definition of a sharp chain differs, we use our saws under different conditions and in different wood.
There is no ONE recipe for a good sharp work chain.
The other day I ground a 3/8" Picco chain for a friend.
He insisted to try it on my dry barkless cracked up ash test log, he pushed so hard and utilized the saws dawgs he stalled the saw several times.
The log is only 10" in diameter, his saw is a Stihl MS180.
I did not touch the rakers, chain was an AM full chisel with nice looking cutters and it wasn't sharpened prior to me grinding it.
I would have let the chain do its thing, possibly supplying mild pressure on the front handle.