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Dixie Chopper 74 inch

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
3:22 AM
User ID
Jan 14, 2016
Reaction score
North western Ohio
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I don't get real excited about a lawn mower because I'm not real fond of mowing grass .However my 54 "Toro Titan is down at the moment waiting for a tube I ordered for a rear tire .Why in the name of common sense would they use tubeless tires I never have figured out .At any rate from insistance of my neighbor I used his Dixie Chopper today .Now that thing is a mower ,35 HP .The ground speed is about the same as the Toro but with 20 more inchs wider,takes less time .Better ride seat also but a lot more money .The Toro weighes just shy of 700 pounds ,this monster is about double that .

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
2:22 AM
User ID
Mar 14, 2017
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They have a strong reputation. I have never heard anyone complain. Dixie Chopper would probably be more prevalent here with more dealers. We have 3 within a 100 mile radius. Here the majority of zero turns in this area are Hustler and Exmark. I think that is mainly due to the strong dealers in the area. Last summer the Hustler one of my sons uses at the farm needed replaced. They brought him out a Hustler Super 104. The thing had a 104" deck and supposedly mowed at 11mph. He hated it and told them to bring out a more reasonable one. I think they settled on a 72" deck.

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
3:22 AM
User ID
Jan 14, 2016
Reaction score
North western Ohio
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A few years ago I had a chance for a three year old Dixie Xcaliber with a big diesel of 35 HP with a 7 foot cut .The seller kept dropping the price and it was down below 6 thousand .I couldn't see it as it would not fit through most of my trees spacing so I bought the Toro instead for $5400 That was 10 years ago and that mower today has about 250 hours on it .It might out live me for all I know.