Been really behind this year. Day job & all. Yesterday, I had the opp to go cut some firewood after it quit raining. So, I took my MMWS babies ( 562 & 353) out to the woods...
The game commission did a so called, controlled burn recently that engulfed my tract....

Anyways, certainly got after it yesterday.
Ended up getting a couple decent loads back to the woodshed.
Certainly have a lot more to do, & am planning on a full day of it next week but, do have my stove up & running, & a start on this years heat/hot water..
So, my Stihl buddy came to get a load too. Didn't make it through the 1st tree, & his 290 was down. His oiler *s-word the bed, & he started using my 353. I offered the 562 but, he preferred the lighter one. Well, I'll be damned if not 4 cuts into blocking if, my bar had a pretty good malfunction. The sprocket on the end came apart.
Have never seen this happen before..! Maybe the mastermind treatment was finally too much for the stock husky bar

This was a 4yr old, stock husky bar, that I put on in Oct '15 right when I got my 353 back from Tenn.
I've cut my own firewood for close to 25yrs now. Until last season, I was always working on a 1 saw plan, not including any buddies that were there as well. Although yesterday, between the 2 of us, we went to the woods with 3 saws, & 30 minutes in, we were down to 1.
Fortunately, the 562 just winked & said lets giterdun boys. She chewed up, & spit out about a cord & 1/2 or so. Ordered a new Sugi for the 353 last night, & should be ready to go by the weekend. Planning on taking a full day one day next week, & filling up the dump truck.
Since last year, I don't go to the woods without both saws anymore. Sure was glad I upgraded to a 2 saw plan. Ol lady just rolled her eyes when I got the 562
Now, how about that top handle saw