High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

SOLD 395XPG for sale or trade

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Well-Known OPE Member
Local time
4:11 AM
User ID
Sep 3, 2017
Reaction score
Coleman, TX
Bought the saw so I can mill some mesquite stair treads and fire place mantel for a new house Im building in central Texas. Place I own is full of some big mesquites and its a shame that I have burned piles of it because I have cleared about 60 acres of them. Saw wont be a full time milling saw, just for a few projects of my own. I also own a Kubota SVL 90 skid loader with a bunch of attachments and clear brush from time to time for folks and always run upon some nice timber that just gets pushed up in piles and burnt. Who knows might end up with a band saw mill before its over because if I get addicted ............


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
5:11 AM
User ID
Dec 4, 2015
Reaction score
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Bought the saw so I can mill some mesquite stair treads and fire place mantel for a new house Im building in central Texas. Place I own is full of some big mesquites and its a shame that I have burned piles of it because I have cleared about 60 acres of them. Saw wont be a full time milling saw, just for a few projects of my own. I also own a Kubota SVL 90 skid loader with a bunch of attachments and clear brush from time to time for folks and always run upon some nice timber that just gets pushed up in piles and burnt. Who knows might end up with a band saw mill before its over because if I get addicted ............

We forgive you for beating us to the saw. Your penance is you must post pics of the mantel and stair treads! Thanks.