High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


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S Tebo

Super OPE Member
Local time
8:31 AM
User ID
Jan 14, 2016
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Found my ported 440 magnum I've been looking for and am selling my 395XP as I really don't need a 94cc saw to cut firewood with, even though it makes short work of it running a 20" bar, lol.
I bought from a guy that works on saws and he advised me that he put a new meteor piston on it and deleted the base gasket and had something like 175-178 lbs of compression after two tanks of 40:1 tru-fuel. I've ran about three tanks of the same tru-fuel through her and she definitely pulls good.
Very good condition with a small chip out if bottom of clutch cover and small dent in corner of muffler that pics should show. Starts, idles, oils and runs great. I have a brand new husky 24" bar and chain I will include with it.
I hope pics load, was having a hard time with the file size.

$650 shipping included or $600 PHO

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Hello fellow Marylander- glad to see another one of us on the forum. Really nice saw and for a great price. Good thing that I have other saw irons in the fire at the moment because otherwise I could drive to pick that thing up... GLWS

or they get even and spend your money on 125 (and counting) show/ pedigreed chinchillas.

Jewelry, clothes, hair, makeup- it's all the same. I'm convinced that my wife spends the equivalent of a saw a month between the salon and the mall. At least that's how I justify my CAD when I have to lol!


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
8:31 AM
User ID
Dec 4, 2015
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Hello fellow Marylander- glad to see another one of us on the forum. Really nice saw and for a great price. Good thing that I have other saw irons in the fire at the moment because otherwise I could drive to pick that thing up... GLWS

Jewelry, clothes, hair, makeup- it's all the same. I'm convinced that my wife spends the equivalent of a saw a month between the salon and the mall. At least that's how I justify my CAD when I have to lol!

I just got home from Nationals in Indiana. I worked all day Fri, came home and drove all night Fri night for her hauling a enclosed trailer. Dropped her off yesterday morning at 8:30am, and me and my girls went to the hotel to sleep and swim. Went to pick her up at 7:30pm. Loaded 17 more chins in the truck and 48 more cages in the trailer. Along with boxes of water bottles, stoppers, feeders, bags of dust and a slew of misc items. Brought her back to the hotel and carried her animals inside, then I went over to Walmart after midnight across the street with the girls and they bought fake nails, all the toys they could carry (and some in my arms as well), and some pjs for Madalyn.... which turned into 2 pairs of workout pants, a pair of workout shorts, and 2 shirts each. Got them back to the hotel. Girls (6 and 7) tried on their stuff and some was too big, so I drove back over to exchange the pants. When we were leaving the hotel this morning and Kari saw the clothes they got, she informed me the shirts were too big, so back into Walmart I go with the girls skipping along (Kari had to stay in the truck and keep it running so the chins didnt overheat. Exchanged the shirts for a smaller size and Madalyn realizes Ryleigh got 2 shirts and she only had the one, so I had to buy another. Up in the truck we got and got on the road for the 8hr trip home which I drove the entire way up and back. Got home and had to set up cages. Just now sat down.

Between Kari, Madalyn, and Ryleigh..... I am exhausted. Wouldnt have it any other way though.


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
8:31 AM
User ID
Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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I just got home from Nationals in Indiana. I worked all day Fri, came home and drove all night Fri night for her hauling a enclosed trailer. Dropped her off yesterday morning at 8:30am, and me and my girls went to the hotel to sleep and swim. Went to pick her up at 7:30pm. Loaded 17 more chins in the truck and 48 more cages in the trailer. Along with boxes of water bottles, stoppers, feeders, bags of dust and a slew of misc items. Brought her back to the hotel and carried her animals inside, then I went over to Walmart after midnight across the street with the girls and they bought fake nails, all the toys they could carry (and some in my arms as well), and some pjs for Madalyn.... which turned into 2 pairs of workout pants, a pair of workout shorts, and 2 shirts each. Got them back to the hotel. Girls (6 and 7) tried on their stuff and some was too big, so I drove back over to exchange the pants. When we were leaving the hotel this morning and Kari saw the clothes they got, she informed me the shirts were too big, so back into Walmart I go with the girls skipping along (Kari had to stay in the truck and keep it running so the chins didnt overheat. Exchanged the shirts for a smaller size and Madalyn realizes Ryleigh got 2 shirts and she only had the one, so I had to buy another. Up in the truck we got and got on the road for the 8hr trip home which I drove the entire way up and back. Got home and had to set up cages. Just now sat down.

Between Kari, Madalyn, and Ryleigh..... I am exhausted. Wouldnt have it any other way though.
Like I always say you scratch my back I'll scratch yours :beer-toast1:.
Treat them right and they will be a blessing most all the time :D, don't suffer the wrath of what you've created :(.
Some never learn this :bash:.