High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

SELLING 355t, 029, Super EZ Automatic

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Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
2:42 PM
User ID
Oct 31, 2018
Reaction score
Mt. Juliet, TN
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For parts or repair.

I decided to keep this and fix it. 355t: had new bar studs and plate installed, also a new oil pump and relatively new chain. Someone ripped it out of a log when it pinched breaking the handle mount on the case and loosing some other parts. Otherwise it ran well before that.

SOLD 029: Missing air filter, gas tank vent, and clutch cover. Low compression at around 120psi or less. Might just need rings, or maybe a stronger ignition coil, or new flywheel key, but it won't fire. I think I already checked that the flywheel was good, but can't remember now. Engine looks great, no scoring I can see with a bore scope. Was running and cutting, then wouldn't restart.

Homelite super EZ automatic: looks like it's all there, I haven't tried starting it, but I'm sure it needs fuel system work. After looking over it again, the engine is locked as far as pulling the rope goes, and the piston looks scored.

Make offers on one or all or a specific part. I really just want them all out of the way.

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